An introduction

Clearly I have a problem; all be it not a hugely troubling one and one that could be seen by some as not a problem at all.

I've too many interests.

I’m what people might call a jack of all trades; some I am better at then others but most I’d like to think that I am fairly competent at. 
They fall generally into two main categories

a) Being outdoors 
b) Making things (I’m going to class repairing things in this category as I’m making things work again).
Fallen tree crafts was born of the idea of making things and maybe selling the odd bit here and there. The trouble is that most of what I have made sells before it gets anywhere near the shop, so the sites been pretty quiet for a while. The idea of expanding the site has been in my head for a while now and so there is a range of topics that I hope to cover off, but as this is me, expect some other bits to creep in. 
So, in no particular order:

Bushcraft, Outdoor living, Wood turning, Blacksmithing, Leather work, Knife making, Children’s crafts, Motorbikes, Cycling, Mountain biking, Kayaking / Canoeing, Kit reviews, Jewelry, Cakes, Photography, Technology, Microadventures, traveling.

That should keep me busy for a bit.


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