Microadventures so far
Adventure…. The word conjures up images of hacking through
jungles; scaling huge mountains and sailing vast oceans. Google ‘Adventure’ and
a host of inspiring images appear to whet your appetite to get off the sofa and set off on an adventure of a lifetime. But for many
(myself included) the choices we have made, commitments we have and our own
fears prevent us from undertaking such grandiose journeys.

Just to be clear, would I change those decisions? No, the
stability and happiness from these choices has given me a family I love
immensely, the opportunity to explore many different interests and to meet a
lot of great people along the way.
When I read about the idea of microadvertures on Alastair
Humphreys blog
(http://www.alastairhumphreys.com) @Al_Humphreys
it struck a chord with me, and I resolved to undertake a year of
Joining forces with Lee (www.onemansadventures.com) @1MansAdventures
we have set out to spend at least one night a month under the stars, preferably
with a bit of adventure thrown in along the way.
Well, the months seem to be flying by and already we were into our fourth official adventure. We've started with the easy stuff, testing
our equipment and braving the coldest months with locations we knew a fire
would be possible. January was held in my woods (remember those choices I
mentioned above). Comfy and warm, tucked up in my hammock was a great way to
see in the New Year, it wasn't even that cold.
Roll forward a month and our
February adventure ticked the cold box with a light dusting of snow to ensure
we stayed close to the small fire we lit. Waking to a clear and crisp morning a
hot porridge added some warmth before we rolled the few miles home to warm
March and April's trips were a little rushed. Busy months for
both of us, and a trip to Snowdon saw us heading to a spot in the Surrey hills I
have used on and off for around 20 years. We got into the true bikepacking on
these trips with just our bivy bags and what we could fit on the bikes. One
thing that’s abundantly clear is that getting the weight off yourself and onto
the bike makes for a much more comfortable experience. Something I really need
to sort out before next month Gravel Dash.
April’s trip was the most rushed to date, not setting off
from home till late evening and getting set up just before dark. A trip like
that shows you how much you can achieve in the hours between work days and we were
home before 7am.
Interspersed with these trips have been a few other nights
out in the wild and I look forward to them more and more, especially as the
weather improves and the wildlife starts making more appearances.
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