Small steps in a long journey

Undertaking a long walk is only achieved by placing one foot in front of another, so following on from my previous post about setting my resolution for the coming year, I can confirm that my 'to do' list is now growing well. I’m using an electronic form of tracking these (Trello) and although I find myself drawn to paper and pen it’s a handy way of adding to my list and moving things to my completed pile. I’ve added more top level items to start and then broken these down into smaller things to do within them. Everything from sorting out my workshop to shifting those Christmas pounds. My plan is that I periodically review what I have completed and celebrate (Dad dancing!!) the things I've completed at different times throughout the year.

Its having some surprising effects on me; firstly I find myself more motivated as I keep adding to my list and I find I want to add new things to keep my goals moving. I also like to get things done on the list, so it feels good to see things completed and I inevitably learn something new along the way so I then add more to the 'to do' list.  What I have found most surprising is how this has changed my approach to tasks. I’m beginning to feel like there is less pressure to get things done. Even though there is quite a long list of things to do, when it was all in my head I felt the need to get everything done asap in case I forgot about it.  Now I no longer worry as much (the need to finish things is still there) but I can see that there are still more things to do and so I know I’ll get to them. I can also pick something from any list at any time so I fit tasks into what time I have.

All of this has got me thinking about where it’s all heading and I realise I need to spend some time thinking about success and my definition of success. Watch this space for how I get on with that.


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